Infographics and Picture Gallery Related to Indoor Air Pollution, Sick Buildings, and Healthy HomesThe below picture gallery contains many infographics and images related to indoor air pollution - from Activated Carbon to a Zone Map of U.S. Radon Gas risk. To see larger images you can right click on each image and open it in a new tab of your browser or adjust your screen size using your browser's zoom function. Looking for a specific image not found in the below picture gallery? Then you may wish to try the custom search box in the upper right-hand corner of this page.
 Absorption Pathways
 Activated Carbon
 Air Contaminants
 Air drafts wafting through the home
 Air leaks from houses
 Air pollution and lungs
 Air purifier filter
 Asbestos sources
 Asthma airway
 Asthma natural treatment
 Asthma after
 Asthma before
 Bacteria cell
 Basement wall
 Bathroom mold tip
 CADR Sticker small seal
 Chart of particle size vs filter type
 Cryptococcus neoformans fungus
 Dust-mite sources
 Dust inhallation into lungs
 Electronic air cleaners charge particles
 Electronic air cleaners
 Electronic Ionization
 Energy loss in a house
 Extensive mold
 Filtration spectrum
 Formaldehyde sources
 House pollutant sources
 Household wastes
 How lungs work
 Huge paper stack
 Human Respiratory System
 Human hair
 Image of asbestos fibers
 Moisture control
 Nanoparticle hazard
 Nanotechnology image
 NOX and VOC sources
 Other purifiers compared
 Ozone destruction by cfc
 Ozone Distribution
 Particle size chart
 Pollutant health risks
 Pollution lung
 Radon daughters
 Radon deaths chart
 Radon decay products
 Radon geology
 Respiratory system
 Respiratory system
 Respiratory sytem picture
 Smoke damage
 Smoking damages your lungs
 Smoking is a losing battle
 Soffit vent insulation
 Sources of CO
 Sources of Hg
 Sources of lead
 Sources of mercury
 Suitcase mold
 Toluene brain damage
 Ultraviolet Chart
 Uranium238 decay chain
 Vermiculite forms
 Warning Lead Paint
 Whole house air purifier filters
 Window sill mold
 Radon zone map
 HEPA Filter Micron Chart
Many more cool science-related pictures and indoor air quality images can be found throughout the many pages of Home Air Purifier Expert. And if you have taken any of your own pictures of indoor air quality conundrums there will soon be a new feature for you to create your own mini-picture gallery by uploading your own images, and adding any questions related to the images you may have. Yes, I do want to see that mold growing in your basement, the mysterious black dust blowing out of your HVAC ducts, the persistent spots that keep reappearing on your walls, or the pest infestations in your home. Your pictures are worth a thousand words and will help illustrate what the causes of your Sick Building Syndrome or indoor allergies might be. ^ Back to the top< Return to the Home Air Purifier Expert's Home Page from this Picture Gallery
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